Welcome to Connections in Narrative Medicine, a virtual space for sharing narrative medicine resources and practice.

Starting with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our narrative medicine program mounted a major effort to provide connections through the humanities to our global community and to clinicians on the front lines battling COVID-19. Our goal was to share resources in literature & the arts to foster creative and reflective work to nourish individuals, build teams, and reduce social isolation in the face of the health crisis. Out of that has grown a robust online community surrounding our free virtual group sessions, which offer an experience of narrative medicine work open to the public. These sessions are run by our trained graduates who volunteer their time to offer narrative medicine work to our global community to illustrate the ways in which it can foster a sense of connection with others and care for the self through the skills of  close attention, representation, and affiliation that are developed through narrative practice and foundation. Join us here to get an introductory experience to narrative medicine!